My story.

Everyone has a unique

In an attempt to better understand my own strength and environment, I entered the world of martial arts. Over the next 12 years I trained with some of the highest-ranking martial artists in the western hemisphere, obtaining my 2nd degree black belt in 2018. This brought me physical confidence and safety.

During that same period, I also started and grew an equestrian training business called Fox Equestrian. I worked with teenagers and adults in the world of equestrian competition, but more than that, it opened my eyes to similar themes in my clients. They were seeking how to push through fear.  I knew through my own journey as a businesswoman and martial artist that the answer lay in intentional personal development and self-trust.

This is why I developed Live Fearless by Design.

It’s built on the principle that self-trust makes an individual feel confident in the paths they take in life. We use a combination of coaching sessions and Martial Arts training to inspire, connect, motivate, and empower an individual. This program is about embarking on a journey of self-discovery and self-trust.

I hope you’ll join me on this journey!